2025 Season


Hi folks,

We're gearing up for the 2025 Season. Registration is underway. Be sure to get registered by March 1st.

Here are some more key dates:

  • We’re having the Capo Meeting in person again. It will be held at the Vet’s Hall on Saturday, April 5th at 10am.
  • The season will kick off with an Opening Day BBQ, on Saturday, April 26th. More details to come.
  • The first matches will be played on Sunday April, 27th.
  • In order to accommodate the slightly later start day, the regular season will wrap up on Monday, Sept. 8th.
  • Then Playoffs will be held between Sept. 10th and 20th.

We're excited for the start of another great season!

Opening Day 2024


Save the Date!

Benicia Bocce League invites to you Opening Day Celebrations

Saturday, April 20th, 2024, 11 - 2pm

Festivities include: food, beverages, music, exposition games with capos, prizes, and much more!

Check out the event on Facebook.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

2024 Season Registration


It’s time to start thinking about the upcoming season. Registration will be held between Feb. 3rd and Mar. 2nd. This year we are again making waivers a requirement for registration. If everyone on your team has not signed the waiver, your team will not be registered. Capos, please make sure your team members have accurate contact information.

Register your team here.

We had 3 Board members step down at the conclusion of this past season. I would like to thank Greg Richey, Zac Van Blake, and Jenny Castenada for their dedication and hard work.

I would like to introduce the new additions to the Board. Please welcome Eric Hogland, Sally May, Anna Fade and Gregory Gilton. We look forward to their input.

The team fee of $350 will remain unchanged this year. However, the City of Benicia

has raised their individual fee from $10 to $25 per person.

The roster capacity has been raised from 12 to 16 players beginning this year.

If you are looking for a team to join, or more players for your own team, head over to the BBL - Find a Team Facebook page.

I hope you are all looking forward to the new season!

Opening Day 2023


On Saturday, April. 22nd, we’ll be holding an open play day from 11:00 until 1:00 as an opportunity to both get together, and also help out anyone who has questions. We will be conducting a court preparation clinic and encourage all capos to attend with the hope the courts will stay in better shape throughout the season. In addition, we plan to raffle off the old bocce balls as we purchased 4 new sets, and have a local pizza vendor serving pizza. First 25 slices are free! Please take this opportunity to meet and greet new teams and get some practice rolls in. RSVP Online!

Capo Email


Welcome to the 2023 season!

Capo Meeting Email

First, as many of you have noticed, we have decided to forgo the capo meeting this year in favor of an email. In the end, the meeting was mostly a vehicle for delivering information. So, we’re just going to send it to you directly! As usual, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send an email to info@beniciabocce.org.

The Board and Officers

Next, I’d like to inform everyone of changes on the Board of Directors.

  • President - Steve Pieroni

  • Vice President - Beth Szabo

  • Treasurer - John Van Blake

  • Secretary - Matt DeClaire

  • Directors - Greg Richey, Scott Reep, Ron Kane, Zac Van Blake, Lynn Hannafin, Jorge Castaneda, Jenny Castaneda


Our financials are in good standing. We are now working with a surplus which enables us to invest in facilities and equipment.


The material added to Courts 3 and 4 last year was successfully removed on Thursday 4/13. The courts are ready for the City to install fresh Bocce Oyster Shell/Flour Blend to match courts 1 and 2.


We are pleased to announce that we have a total of 63 teams and 687 players registered for the upcoming season, with two new teams joining the league. We would like to recognize the best new team name, which goes to A Reason to Wine.


  • League play starts Sunday, April 23rd.

  • Playoffs will be held from September 5th to September 16th.

Please review your team’s schedule online, and proactively start the rescheduling process for any matches you know your team cannot attend. beniciabocce.org/reschedule

Opening Day

On Saturday, April. 22nd, we’ll be holding an open play day from 11:00 until 1:00 as an opportunity to both get together, and also help out anyone who has questions. We will be conducting a court preparation clinic and encourage all capos to attend with the hope the courts will stay in better shape throughout the season. In addition, we plan to raffle off the old bocce balls as we purchased 4 new sets, and have a local pizza vendor serving pizza. First 25 slices are free! Please take this opportunity to meet and greet new teams and get some practice rolls in.


We’ve made some updates to the rules including the following changes. For full details, you can find the rules online at beniciabocce.org/rules

  • A match is forfeited if any team member plays without having signed their waiver.

  • In order to help keep our sheds in better order, Home teams are additionally responsible for ensuring proper shed organization at the end of the match.

  • Only capos and players in the current game are allowed inside the courts. This prevents large “measuring committees”.

  • Being that it’s hard to regulate and contain, music is now prohibited during play.

  • The Board has adopted a new “Zero Tolerance Policy” on bullying. We had several instances last season where Board members had to come down to the courts to diffuse situations. This is unacceptable. Capos are responsible for their team members. If you need to file a complaint, you can do so online at beniciabocce.org/complaint.

As a reminder, capos are required to provide the rules to each of their teammates and every member in the league is required to read and understand the Rules and the Standards of Conduct as a condition of participation in the Benicia Bocce League.


Please keep the sheds organized.  There are labels throughout the shed identifying where the equipment/chairs/tables belong.  If we work together, we can ensure we leave the sheds in good condition for the next team.

Please let us know about any equipment needs or failures.  We will correct the problem as soon as we can.

Finally, we would like to remind you that we are here to support you throughout the season. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@beniciabocce.org.

We wish all of our players a safe and enjoyable season.

The league sends out news and announcements via an email newsletter. Sign up now to stay in the loop.