In each match the higher seeded team is the home team, and is responsible for preparing the court.
We will be holding a match for third place at the same time as the championship match on court 1.
Ball Busters
9/3, 6pm,
court 2
Pacifica Pizza
Vets Club
9/3, 6pm,
court 4
Consigliere di Bocce
Bocce Banditos
9/3, 6pm,
court 1
The OddBalls
9/3, 6pm,
court 3
La Dolce Vita
High Rollers
9/4, 6pm,
court 2
Breezy Buccaneers of Benicia
Unusually Underhanded
9/4, 6pm,
court 4
9/4, 6pm,
court 1
St. Catherines
Bocce Questo
9/4, 6pm,
court 3
Benicia Smog
9/5, 6pm,
court 2
Bocce Cruisers
Bad News Ballerz
9/5, 6pm,
court 4
Knights Realm
Go Abocce Business
9/5, 6pm,
court 1
Brother Yuccas
Il Bocce X
9/5, 6pm,
court 3
Bocce Snatchers
Bocheech & Chong
9/6, 6pm,
court 2
Dumb Luck
Bocce Hounds
9/6, 6pm,
court 4
Ballers Grande
Bocce Brawlers
9/6, 6pm,
court 1
Son of a b'occe
Amore di Baci
9/6, 6pm,
court 3
Rolling Stones
Ball Busters
9/9, 6pm,
court 2
Vets Club
Bocce Banditos
9/9, 6pm,
court 4
High Rollers
9/9, 6pm,
court 1
9/9, 6pm,
court 3
Bocce Questo
Benicia Smog
9/10, 6pm,
court 2
Bad News Ballerz
Go Abocce Business
9/10, 6pm,
court 4
Bocce Snatchers
Bocheech & Chong
9/10, 6pm,
court 1
Bocce Hounds
Son of a b'occe
9/10, 6pm,
court 3
Amore di Baci
Ball Busters
9/11, 6pm,
court 2
9/11, 6pm,
court 4
Bocce Questo
Benicia Smog
9/11, 6pm,
court 1
Go Abocce Business
Bocheech & Chong
9/11, 6pm,
court 3
Son of a b'occe
Ball Busters
9/12, 6pm,
court 2
Benicia Smog
9/12, 6pm,
court 4
Bocheech & Chong
Ball Busters
9/14, 4pm,
court 2
Benicia Smog
The first place teams from each division have the highest seeds. Among them, they are ranked by the average winning percentage of their division's four playoff teams. Second place teams come next, ranked in the same manner. The last four wild card seeds are granted to teams that had the highest ranks among all teams in the league that did not otherwise quality. Seeds are placed in the bracket such that low seeds cannot eliminate each other early.